As a coordinator, how do I utilize the Dashboard in Insights?

Discover the data available to assessment coordinators via the dashboard in Insights.


The Insights Dashboard offers a user-friendly interface to display essential educational data from Canvas LMS. It provides key metrics and trends on student engagement, progress, and achievement, aiding educators and administrators in data-driven decision-making. 

The Assessment Coordinator Dashboard provides a visual representation of the results of learning outcomes, curriculum mappings, and assignment plan data. This allows for easy identification of patterns and areas that may need improvement.


DB_LOResults2Learning Outcome Results: The learning outcome results section on the dashboard provides an interactive and informative display of how well your educational strategies are leading to student achievements. It empowers educators and administrators to make informed decisions based on data, improve curriculum design, and enhance the overall educational experience.

DB_AP window-2Assessment Plan: In this section of the dashboard, coordinators have the ability to access and view planned assessments. They can easily identify which courses are currently undergoing assessment and review the goals and objectives that have been established for each assessment. Additionally, coordinators can quickly determine if submissions have been graded or if the assessment is still in progress.

DB_CurrMap-1Curriculum Map: Displays a read-only view of the Curriculum Map showing the alignment of course learning outcomes (CSLOs) with PSLOs, ISLOs, and/or third- party standards, as well as their associated Attainment Levels (e.g. Introduced, Reinforced, Mastered).  

Video - coming soon!

This video will show you step-by-step instructions and examples of each area of the dashboard, including the use of the various filters to help you extract the desired data.