How do I add my institution's Attainment Levels for Curriculum Mapping?

Setup > Curriculum Map > Attainment Levels

Attainment levels represent a progression of educational achievement. In Insights, attainment levels guide the development and sequencing of courses to ensure progressive and scaffolded learning while curriculum mapping and assessment planning.

These levels ensure that students are introduced to new concepts, have opportunities for reinforcement and practice, reach a mastery level, and are assessed to gauge their understanding and progress. Users have the ability to add, edit or delete attainment levels based on institutional preference. 

Only Assessment Coordinators have the ability to view or edit Attainment Levels on the Setup menu.


Add Attainment Levels

From the Setup menu, go to Curriculum Map and select Attainment Levels.

By default, IRMA (Introduced, Reinforced, Mastered, Assessed) attainment levels are preloaded in your Insights application. Attainment levels can be edited and new levels can be added. 


To add an attainment level, click + Add Attainment Level button.


A modal window Configure Attainment Levels displays. Complete the fields accordingly based on steps defined below:


1. Code: enter a code (typically one character) that represents the
     attainment level (example: B).

2. Name: Enter the name of the attainment level (example: Beginner).

3. Description: Enter the description of the attainment level
     (example: Initial exposure of concepts.).

Then click Submit. The new level will be added to this list. 


Edit Attainment Levels

From the Setup menu, go to Curriculum Map and select Attainment Levels.

Locate the specific attainment level you wish to edit. Click the pencil icon to enter desired edits. 

INS_Setup_AL_EditMake desired changes for this modal Configure Attainment Level and then click Submit. The attainment level will be updated and displayed on screen. 


Delete Attainment Levels

From the Setup menu, go to Curriculum Map and select Attainment Levels.

Locate the attainment level you wish to remove. Click the trash icon in that attainment level.


A confirmation window displays. Choose Yes to confirm you wish to permanently remove this attainment level. The level is deleted and no longer appears on the list.