How do I create a version or a variant of a course learning outcome?

Outcomes > Review Learning Outcomes

When new course learning outcomes are created in Canvas, they will appear in Insights as Unapproved. Coordinators must review the unapproved outcome and select a classification (new, private, version, variation) and then Approve

Insights allows users to define Canvas outcomes as versions and variants of one another in order to ensure relevant learning data is grouped together and to provide longitudinal visibility into student learning as outcome content is iterated.

Version: The most recent, canonical edition of an approved learning outcome. This is the outcome statement that is curriculum mapped against. It can only be replaced by a newer version of the outcome, after said outcome is introduced into the Canvas ecosystem and fetched to Insights for approval.

Variant: is a modified or customized iteration of an existing outcome version where the difference does not amount to a change in the meaning of the outcome version. The results collected for outcome variants will count towards the results for the outcome version because they are semantically the same thing (though differ in phrasing). 

To make a version or variant of a course learning outcome, there has to be at least one outcome approved as NEW in a course (NEW = first outcome version). You cannot create version and variants of unapproved outcomes.

Example: if a course has five learning outcomes listed from Canvas, they can each be approved as New and the course has five separate learning outcomes; or, three outcomes can be defined as new and the other two can be saved as versions or variants of any of the three that have been approved as new.

  • It is only after an initial (NEW) version of a learning outcome has been approved that a subsequent version of that learning outcome be defined, replacing the previous version.
  • Once a version of a learning outcome is approved, variants of that learning outcome can be defined and approved.


Create a Version of a Course Learning Outcome

In Insights, go to Outcomes > Review Learning Outcomes section and use the filters to locate the learning outcome. Once located, click the right chevron (>) icon to expand the learning outcome details.


Next, Select Outcome Classification dropdown and choose Version; click the radio button to select the learning outcome this will be a version of; and then click Approve.


NOTE: Version can only be selected if is an existing learning outcome has been approved as new. (also shown above)

Because the learning outcome above was approved as a Version, it replaces the previous version in the course's outcome listing. That previous version is now listed in the new versions' Version History, as shown here.



Create a Variant of a Course Learning Outcome

In Insights, go to Outcomes > Review Learning Outcomes section and use the filters to locate the learning outcome. Once located, click the right chevron (>) icon to expand the learning outcome details.

Next, Select Outcome Classification dropdown and choose Variant; click the radio button to select the learning outcome this will be a variant of; and then click Approve.


NOTE: Variants can only be selected if there is a version of learning outcome approved. 

Because the learning outcome above was approved as a Variant, it disappears from the top-level course outcome listing, and now appears in the Variation context of it's outcome version, as shown here.