How do I create Cycles & Goals for assessment plan creation?

Setup > Assessment > Cycles & Goals

Cycles and Goals are required when creating and deploying assessment plans in Insights. In higher education, assessment cycles often coincide with academic terms or semesters. 

When setting up Cycles & Goals, you will first add and configure the cycle, and then add the cycle goal(s).

When coordinators go to Plan an Assessment from Insights, they must select a cycle—that has been created here—to plan the assessment. 

Add Cycle

From the Setup menu, go to Assessment and select Cycles & Goals. The first time Cycles & Goals are created, the All Cycles list is blank as shown below. Click the + Add Cycle button.


A modal window Configure Cycle displays. Complete the fields accordingly based on steps defined below:


1. Cycle Name: enter a name for this assessment cycle.     

2. Parent Cycle: click the dropdown to select a parent cycle, if applicable.

A parent cycle is the highest-level assessment cycle that encompasses multiple cycles under the parent. Parent cycle serves as a framework for organizing and managing multiple assessment activities and sub-cycles.

3. Cycle Type: click the dropdown to select the type of assessment.

Cycle Type refers to the classification of assessment activities based on their timing, frequency, and purpose. Common cycles types include: annual assessment, institutional assessment, program assessment, accreditation, semester, etc.)

Manage Cycle Types: click this button to add cycle types can be added as needed. 

4. Start Date: enter the date this cycle should begin.

Start and end dates should coincide with the cycle type selected above.

5. End Date: enter the date this cycle should end.

NEXT: click + Add Cycle Goal.

A modal window New Cycle Goal displays. Complete the fields accordingly based on steps defined below:


1. Cycle Goal: enter a detailed goal description in the text box provided.   

2. Cycle Objective: add an objective that pertains to the goal entered above.
    More than one objective can be added, see Step 3. 

3. + Add Objective: To add more than one objective for this goal, click the
    + Add Objective button and a new blank field entitled Cycle Objective
    appears to enter another objective. 

When you have completed adding goals and objectives for this cycle, click Submit.

Clicking Submit returns to the modal window Configure Cycle with the Goals and Objectives displayed below. Click Submit to save this Cycle. 


The cycle appears under All Cycles


Additional cycles can be created as necessary.


Edit or Delete Cycle

Cycles can be edited by clicking the pencil icon and can be deleted by selecting the Trash icon.


WARNING: Deleting a cycle associated with assessment plans could disrupt
plan and data collection.